Commodore’s Weekend – This Saturday and Sunday !

Commodore’s Weekend 7thand 8th July
 Activities kick off Saturday morning with bacon sandwiches with sailing stating at 12.00. Cake and Fizz to celebrate the Club’s 90th from 5.00pm folowed by the traditional Commodores Weekend Barbecue, and later the Midnight Race.
Things to bring on Saturday :
Cake or buns to share
£1 for a bacon sandwich while we get things ready in the morning
Your lunch
Sun cream
Change of clothes
At least 10 plastic bottles
Some sides and drink to go with your B-B-Q
Warmer clothes and boat lights for the Midnight Race
On Sunday the Club will be open for coffee and cake from 10.30 with raft building and racing starting at 12.00, followed by lunch, the Commodore’s Race, more fun and finishing off with the Bottle Race late afternoon !
Things to bring on Sunday :
Water gun – if you have one (preferably a super soaker)
£4.00 for lunch
Sun cream
Change of clothes
At least 10 plastic bottles
Plus a Chair (for Saturday’s Barbecue) and a Smile or two

Looking forward to seeing everybody there 

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