
blog, For Sale

For Sale – Trolley Wheel

For Sale – Trolley WheelThis is a new pneumatic trolley wheel, still as bought, 360 mm diameter, fits 13 or 25mm axle, cost £18  new, not needed, to a good home only £14.  I will have it at Yeadon Sailing Club on New Years day when we…


New Year’s Day Race and Social Fuddle

Dear All,Happy New Year ! Just to remind you that the 2019 Season kicks off with the New Yerar’s Day Race and Club Fuddle on (not unsurprisingley) the 1st January. The race attracts the keen and hardy, whereas the Fuddle gets a better turnout of member…


Frostbite Series 2018 Concludes

The 2018 YSC racing season coincluded on Sunday with the completion of the Frostbite Series. This year the Forstbite Series has been closely contested this year with lots of people sailing and a number of boats in the running to take the overall Trophy…


Last Minute Christmas Present ideas

Stuck for that last Christmas present idea for a friend or relative ?  How about a ‘Come and Try’ Sailing Session at Yeadon Sailing Club on a Tuesday evening in the Spring when the evenings get lighter and hopefully a lot warmer ! See link to o…


News from afar !

Past Commodore Rob Heath and Sue have spent the last couple of years putting their dinghy sailing experience from Yeadon to good use by sailing round the coast of Britain (twice) in their yacht Norman James.If that wasn’t enough they stepped it up a bi…


Easy Fund Raising for the Club

Please don’t forget the Club has setup an account with Easy Fund Raising, this means every penny you spend online with all the main online shops via Easy Fund Raising page, we get cash back for no extra cost to you !So please look at using this for a…


Winter is on it’s way !

A very relevant photo appeared on the old yeadon – memories Facebook page earlier in the week that I have borrowed. This is a photo from 1986 of the Dinghy Park covered in snow. Thank you to Carlo Harrison and John Denison for the photo.Winter in the …


Maintenance Day – Saturday 17th November

A reminder that the Maintenance Day is on this Saturday Nov 17th.Please come along anytime in the morning to help spruce up the club and tidy round ready for winter. Bacon sandwiches on offer from Tony !All welcome, many hands make light work and…


Last Weekend of the Normal Racing Season

Last weekend we had the last weekend of normal Club racing at Yeadon before the Frostbite Series starts this Sunday. What a great weekend for sailing it was too ! Saturday was warm, sunny and an interesting and gusty breeze, whilst Sunday gave everybod…

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